Has anyone truly paused to ask you..."How are you really?"
When was the last time you had an authentic heart to heart conversation with someone close to you? It's most likely been a very long time.
Life is not stopping and at times we feel completely exhausted. Both mentally and emotionally. All the coping skills you used for prior situations, they are not working this time. Your friends or family seem to be distant and you don't want to share your struggles for the fear of being judged or the unwarranted advice giving.
If we only can listen to a video for less than a minute now, how are we holding space for others?
We are human beings, with five senses that experience so many sensations which can feel absoletely trapped in our muscles and brain. Every extra touch point seems to be one more we can not endure.
The experience that you went through, whether it's a new health diagnosis, the death of a dear friend, the ending of a marriage or your last child going off to school, is uniquely yours.
No one else lived it and as much as people think they know what you are going through they don't. They simply don't.
They have their own biases, history, narrative and emotions that surround their experience.
Why I say all this is because, reaching out to a mental health practitioner is healthy and brave.
There is a difference between talking to your best friend and speaking with a counsellor. Both serve very different needs and they should.
Your healing journey is unique to you. When we brake a leg, we have a team that supports that recovery process. From the doctor in the ER, the nurses, the surgeon, physiotherapy and rehabilitation serves; a team is involved to be with you.
Reaching out for support could include looking for a counsellor, social worker, mental health practitioner or therapist. Each has a unique skill set. What we are not, is miracle workers.
Sometimes we have been steering the boat for so long that we need some assistance and have someone skilled to course correct. This is not about taking anything away, its the opposite. Your are adding more talented team members to guide your healing journey.
A counsellor can provide a safe, confidential place to explore your emotions and find your own answers with the guidance with a trained professional.
We are not a one size fits all, or provide any "magic pills to make it go away." However we do listen, encourage conversations and provide different ways to cope and look that the situation differently. We ask the hard questions.
Many people have health benefits that cover counselling, look into it and for those that don't, I gently encourage you to think of this as being proactive with your health instead of reactive. All receipts can be submitted with your yearly taxes as well.
We don't get over it, let it go, move on or forget about our experiences, we learn to live with them as each day presents itself. Working with a counsellor helps navigate these difficult waters.
As the summer comes to a close, there may be past traumas that have surfaced or you could be dealing with a fresh wound. Look for counsellor that specializes in your trauma, they are out there.
Reach out, ask your doctor, research on the web, call a friend or email a past practitioner and book a session. It's a call to action. This is self care.
It's time to talk and get support.
If you are wanting to connect with me, click the email button on this website and I will be in touch with you.
Continue to breathe...Erin